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Why the rise of ISP Billing Software is nothing to be afraid of

One thing that most ISPs have in common is some sort of billing system to handle their subscription-based and ad-hoc billing. For some ISPs this billing system may be a simple spreadsheet. For others, more sophisticated billing software is preferred.

Taking the plunge to move towards automated ISP billing software may seem like taking a huge leap of faith, but when you break it down and look at all the advantages, you'll find that it's possible to make the move without any fear at all.

Those ISP billing managers that are still making use of simple spreadsheets for billing, or are relying on ad-hoc reports from their service platforms to provide the input for manual capture into their financial systems, will be nodding their heads in agreement when I mention the ridiculous number of hours it takes each month to capture and finalize all the billing. It's those last few days of the month when emails don't get answered, tasks get pushed out, meetings get rejected and stress levels are high. It need not be that way! Enter... automated ISP billing.


Automation is nothing new. We have been automating processes for centuries!

From the invention of the wheel during ancient history, to the invention of the printing press during the Renaissance,  to the automation of the weaving of textiles during the Industrial Revolution, to the invention of the electric motor in the 19th century and the automobile in the 20th century, to the automatic processing of millions of instructions per second through the invention of the transistor, to computers as we know them during our information age - this is evidence that automation has been around for many years.

Despite the increase in individual productivity and higher output, the primary deterrent to every one of these advancements in technology has been the threat to employment and job security. In some cases the inventors of these machines were attacked and their inventions were destroyed. This type of ‘disruptive technology’ still exists today and causes employees to fear the loss of their jobs demonstrating that this fear is still very real.


Automation software isn’t going to take your job. It’s going to make you better at it.

While it is true that automation software reduces the amount of manually executed processes, it doesn’t imply that the software will make the workforce redundant. In fact, the synergy and levels of efficiency reached when the right tools are available to the right people means businesses perform better and often meet - or exceed - objectives. Here are a few ways that ISP billing software can empower your financial workforce:

  1. Provides detailed financial information in real-time
  2. Allows for improved internal and external communications
  3. Removes the human element from redundant processes
  4. Optimises billing schedules with improved predictability, agility and accuracy
  5. Allows businesses to better understand and segment their customers
  6. Improves workforce productivity by removing mundane processes
  7. Future-proofs the business and sharpens its competitive edge

Why should I invest time in replacing a system I already understand?

Many financial managers would argue that the time and resources required to adopt a new billing system doesn’t justify its implementation. The reality is that these systems are designed to integrate with existing platforms and give users a gradual learning curve as they acquaint themselves with them. ISP billing software doesn’t intend to reinvent the wheel, but simply remove clutter from universal financial processes that your employees are intimately familiar with. With rigorous testing at the design and development phases, these systems are in fact intuitive and easily adopted by individuals, departments and entire organisations.


Building a more integrated business with SOLIDitech

Financial managers thrive on efficient, transparent and predictable systems that provide them with the tools they need, without the fuss and without the fear. The IT revolution has seen software platforms become less complex, yet more powerful and agile. SOLIDitech is built on this foundation. Our ISP billing software is designed to provide all the tools needed for efficient and predictable financial accounting tasks. Our reputation as a provider of future-facing integrated software solutions is due to the fact that we consistently evolve our solutions alongside an ever-changing marketplace. For more information on how SOLIDitech’s ISP billing software can help you shift your business into a higher gear, download Our Guide to Automation.


Download | An Executive's Guide to Automation

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About Author

Charles Musto
Charles Musto

I am a creative engineer and businessman who loves to solve problems and automate business operations. Yes, I believe that a healthy mix of originality and practicality helps to garner the best solutions.

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