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Why Integrated Software is Better

integrated-softwareFast-growing businesses can very quickly find that investment in disparate software products doesn’t yield the results they need. Siloed software creates islands of knowledge that is difficult to reconcile in order for businesses to gain maximum benefit from it. In addition, dependence on a number of different platforms, all with their own set of unique development and design considerations, can be cumbersome for both IT to manage, and employees to work with. With integrated software, much of the traditional problems with siloed software are eliminated thanks to the reconciliation of various data streams into a single, consistent database, coupled with a single interface from which to perform various business functions. This blog takes a look at how integrated software stacks up against traditionally disparate software systems and how it provides benefit to the fast-moving businesses of today.

The issue with siloed data repositories

Typically, traditional software packages function in siloes, with business applications storing their information in separate databases that require their own toolsets and interfaces to capture, store and interpret information. The result is divorced data repositories that often store duplicate, redundant information and a lack of data convergence that gives an end-to-end view of organisational processes. Also, multi-system implementations typically require application specialists to administer each installation for businesses to derive benefit from it, creating a dependence on individuals instead of empowering the broader team.

Integrated software brings your data sources together

A single software platform that converges multiple information channels makes it possible to identify and eliminate redundant data and place a focus on the more valuable metrics that help businesses achieve their objectives. Information that is collected and stored in a unified database, and managed through a single application can be repurposed more efficiently to give new insights into customers, internal workflow hurdles, sales and marketing metrics and a host of others. Reporting and analysis also takes into account all the relevant information available in the system, resulting in powerful reports and insightful analytics that aid in more fact-based decision making.

Integrated software eliminates multiple dependencies

Relying on multiple business-critical platforms can pose some potentially serious problems for companies. If your CRM server experiences a catastrophic failure, it could have serious repercussions for many other application-dependent departments across the business. Your sales and billing software would be rendered virtually useless until the affected CRM server is restored and put back into production. Integrated software solutions not only give you end-to-end views of your business and its workflows, but also stabilise the backend environment by bringing your software dependencies together. This eliminates data synchronisation problems, data compatibility issues, data duplication and dependence on multiple hardware and software solutions. This means that by streamlining your software investments, you are streamlining your business performance.

Most software packages have their unique set of requirements and challenges

Relying on multiple software suites brings with it a set of challenges unique to each application. Some might be more secure than others, while others may require more network bandwidth due to poor design considerations. This lack of uniformity means IT staff need to manage each application and cater to its specific requirements or weak points, creating multiple points of failure and additional IT staff to manage your systems.

Integrated software allows you to focus on one solution

Today’s integrated software suites are designed to work together and give businesses new insights into their data. Your staff need only focus on a single software application to perform various daily functions. This doesn’t mean everyone has free access to company-wide data. Access level permissions and built-in security mechanisms ensure appropriate rights are assigned to each user in the system and that internal and external compliance standards are adhered to. Management can more easily pinpoint internal process problems, identify performance concerns and eliminate redundancies that exist within the internal workings of the company.

Bridge the gap with software integration

Siloed business models force organisations to constantly siphon information from different sources and departments to derive true value, causing major hurdles to peak performance and delivering the best services to the customer. For more information on integrated software solutions and how automation helps your business shift into higher gear, download our 6 Questions to Ask Before Choosing your Business Automation Software and learn about how SOLIDitech can help you sharpen your competitive edge.


Download 6 Questions to Ask Before Choosing your Business Automation Software

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About Author

Charles Musto
Charles Musto

I am a creative engineer and businessman who loves to solve problems and automate business operations. Yes, I believe that a healthy mix of originality and practicality helps to garner the best solutions.

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