26 Bite-Size Goals for learning SOLID in 2025

Learning a new skill, or honing an existing skill is typically high on goal-lists for the beginning of a new year, and this year is no different. 

Although many of us would love to perfect the art of looking attentive in online meetings - we’d like to turn your attention to a platform that is essential for the running of your business, but that you might not (yet) fully understand - SOLID.


Getting Started | 9 Goals

This section is a great place to start if you’re not very comfortable with SOLID.

Please note: The features and functionality available in your SOLID instance may be different to what is detailed below - this is based on what has been enabled by your SOLID Administrators. 


1. Watch Video: 'What is SOLID' 

'SOLID' is an ISP Automation Platform designed, built and supported by SOLIDitech. Not sure what that means?

Watch this video >


2. Login to SOLID

You may have been granted access, but have never logged in before. Not sure how?

This video walks you through the process >


3. Reset your Admin User Password

Everyone forgets their password(s). Knowing how to reset yours, or request a reset, is a pretty useful skill. 

This video explains how to do this >


4. Access SOLID Help

SOLID Help is your SOLID FAQ and How-to resource. It's available at the click of button to help answer any questions you may have. 

Here's how you access SOLID Help >


5. Watch Video: Tour of SOLID Navigation

A quick introduction to logging in and navigating your way around the SOLID dashboard.

Watch this video >


6. Use the SOLID 'My History' button

The ‘My History’ button shows your past admin access action history on SOLID. This feature helps to quickly and easily find an item you’ve recently been working on.

How to use it >


7. Use the ‘Quick Module Access’

The Quick Module Access tool is a dynamic search feature within SOLID that allows you to quickly and easily find the module/module group you're looking for. 

Step-by-step instructions >


8. Use the ‘Quick Search’ properly

Quick Search is a feature within SOLID that allows you to search for Master Accounts, Service Accounts, Tickets, Opportunities, Quotes, Orders, Services, Sub Accounts, Telco Orders and Payment Accounts by entering 3 or more characters.

Step-by-step instructions >


9. Use your ‘Favourites’

‘Favourites’ is a feature within SOLID that allows you to ‘Star’ or ‘Favourite’ a module that you want to access regularly or easily.

Step-by-step instructions >

Our goal is to ‘Automate the Admin’ and make our customers’ lives easier by removing repetitive, time-consuming and error-prone tasks with our business automation platform – SOLID.

Knowing how to use the platform and having an easy-to-use knowledge base that’s full of great content and loads of detailed how-to guides is part of that.

Charles Musto

SOLIDitech Co-Founder & COO

Charles Musto

Core Concepts | 3 Goals

To be able to provide a customer with your business' products and services, you need 3 essential things:

  1. Great Products To Sell
  2. Customers To Sell Them To
  3. A Way To Make Sure Those Services Are Fulfilled And Billed For Correctly

We have designed the following 3 concepts to enable these:

  1. Products
  2. Master Accounts
  3. Contracts

10. Products

Think of the products your business sells (ADSL, Email, Fibre etc.).

Each of those products are made up of various different components – and are delivered in a slightly different way.

This piece explains how 'Products' make creating and delivering those products possible >


11. Master Accounts

A Master Account is the entity that is created to identify each logical customer within SOLID.

Each Master Account has a unique Account ID that enables tracking of all the system and user interactions with that particular customer.

ALL of a customer’s details are contained within their Master Account. 

Understand the structure of a Master Account >


12. Contracts

A Contract is the mechanism that connects a Customer with their purchased Service (Products). It’s existence also makes billing that customer possible.

This piece explains how 'Contracts' work >

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Tickets | 5 Goals

When operations are automated, ‘Tickets’ are a tool used to request human interaction.

These interactions can be required for both:

  • Workflow Tickets: For example, as part of the Sales process
  • Free-form Tickets: For example, a customer support request

13. Access your Ticket Inbox

There are 2 methods to access your Ticket Inbox.

See them both here >


14. Understand the Anatomy of your Ticket Inbox

Once a ticket has been created it moves to your ticket inbox where they can be assigned to different people/departments/statuses and can be assigned different priority levels.

Here's the full structure of your ticket inbox explained >


15. Know How to Create & Log a Support Ticket

This is an essential skill within SOLID. 

Follow the step-by-step instructions >


16. Know How to Update a Ticket

Over and above being able to create a ticket - you'll need to know how to update a ticket. 

Follow the step-by-step instructions >


17. Understand how to use and read the information within ‘Outages’

“An Outage is a period when a power supply or other service is not available or when equipment is closed down.” The Outage tab within SOLID is a feature that allows you to determine whether your client is being affected by an outage.

Understand how to update and read information on Outages >

Security | 4 Goals

The SOLID platform holds the most valuable part of your business within it - yours and your customer’s data. SOLID uses a number of tools and strategies to secure that data.


18. Read: The Ins and Outs of Security and Authentication

‘Security’ refers to the layers of protection that are put in place to protect your software, and most importantly, your customer data.

‘Authentication’ refers to the process of matching a username and a password to a particular user to establish and confirm that user’s identity, i.e. how do we know the correct user is logging in.

Read this piece for all the differences >


19. Find out more about SOLID Security Features

Some of the information can be quite technical, but we believe that it's necessary for the SOLID user to know exactly how SOLID protects its system.

Discover >


20. Know How to Grant or Edit a User’s Group Access Rights

Only a SOLID System Administrator can change Group Access rights for other users - but it's still important to know how the access rights you've been granted will affect the modules available to you within SOLID. 

How Access works >


21. Know how to check an audit trail

Being able to check an audit trail is useful for identifying who has made which changes on a customers' account.

Step-by-step instructions >

By 2023, more than 80% of global service providers will use intelligent automation solutions to streamline their infrastructure operations.


With so much riding on the success of your software projects, extracting the highest possible value from those projects is of paramount importance.

As experts in designing, implementing and managing end-to-end business operations software, we want to see you succeed in maximising the value from your future projects.

Great Software Project Management is Key to that Success.


22. Read "Software Testing: Quality Assurance Testing (QAT) And User Acceptance Testing (UAT)"

QAT (does it work as expected) & UAT (is it usable) are progressive and context-specific software testing tools essential to any successful software project. 

Read this Blog Post >


23. Read "4 Software Project Myths - Debunked"

There are many business benefits to transformative software projects - there are still, however, some pretty big software project myths getting in the way. 

Read this Blog Post >


24. Download "The Executive’s Guide to Software Project Management"

Big investments, big returns.
Make sure you get maximum value.

Download this eBook >

The old adage of a successful business being about product, pricing and placement supported by an awesome customer experience still rings true. Customer expectations however are forever rising, and meeting those expectations needs a new kind of business mindset that embraces software.

Manuel De Jesus

SOLIDitech Co-Founder & CEO


This is a very exciting time to be working at an ISP. The industry is evolving at a rapid pace, especially as Internet access has quickly become a basic need for many during 2020. The future of ISP Software is very much linked to the continuing evolution of the industry as a whole - and we’re very much looking forward to that journey!


25. Read: "The next big thing in the age of the machine is people"

Software and people are not mutually exclusive. Your business will work best when there’s a synergy between quality software and quality people.

Read this blog post >


26. Read: "It Takes A Connected Team To Deliver Great Service"

Great service isn't only the Customer Service Team's responsibility. To provide seamless and consistent service you need to invest in connected teams.

Read this blog post >